Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Committee on Bar Admissions Trying to Locate Missing Assistant Bar Examiners

The Louisiana Supreme Court Committee on Bar Admissions is trying to locate the following Assistant Examiners. If you know the current whereabouts of any of these Louisiana lawyers, please contact Scott T. Whittaker, Bar Admissions Committee Chairman, at swhittaker@stonepigman.com or (225) 490-8900, or Denise Leeper, Bar Admissions Administrator, at denisel@lascba.org or (225) 298-8057.

Nancy Eleanor Graham
Paul Brannon
Gary Geipert
Ron Wilson
Scott Wolfe
Troy Nathan Bell
Kenny M. Charbonnet
James R. Hashek
Brad Adams
Lionel Burns
James Nugent
Chester Flemming
Steven Medo
Edward Rapier Jr
Cynthia Wallace
Michael C. Piccione Sr.
David A. Kerstein
Brad A. Adams
Marie D. Tufts

30th JDC and 36th JDC closed "until further notice"

On 0-96-05 Phylliss Mann reported that :

30th JDC and 36th JDC closed "until further notice" which probably means
until next week

Engulfed evidence puts New Orleans court cases in doubt By Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY

Engulfed evidence puts New Orleans court cases in doubt
By Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY

Evidence from an estimated 3,000 criminal cases in New Orleans has been submerged in the toxic floodwaters that swamped police headquarters and the courthouse. It's unknown whether the evidence will be usable in prosecutions.
Thousands of witnesses and victims involved in the cases are scattered across the nation, and New Orleans authorities face an enormous task in locating them.

More than three weeks after the flooding from Hurricane Katrina began to devastate New Orleans, the crippling impact to the city's justice system is becoming more clear. A problem that began with the breakdown of the city's police force during the chaos and looting that accompanied the flooding has ballooned into a crisis local and federal officials say could make it difficult for New Orleans to maintain order on its own for years….

Calvin Johnson, chief judge of the Orleans Parish Criminal Courts, said recovering evidence that was in storage on the lower floors of New Orleans' police headquarters and the Orleans Parish Criminal District Courts will require "a gargantuan" effort involving experts from outside Louisiana….

If the evidence storage vaults in New Orleans were compromised, defense lawyers in cases that manage to go forward are likely to raise questions about using such evidence in prosecutions, said Keith Nordyke, a Baton Rouge lawyer.

Nordyke leads a task force to help displaced lawyers on behalf of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

"A huge part of the justice system is in crisis," Nordyke said. "Is the evidence available, and is it in usable condition? Is DNA evidence so tainted that it is now meaningless? Is the rock of crack cocaine still there?"

Even if evidence in New Orleans' vaults can be recovered and preserved, Nordyke said, witnesses in hundreds of criminal cases "have been scattered to the wind."

"If you locate all those people, the next challenge is arranging to bring those people back," he said. "The level of need is pretty overwhelming."…

Full story at:


Important Info. on Bail Release Orders.

On 9-26 -05 George Steimel reports:

St. Bernard bail office may be open today in Baton Rouge. I will survey this today and let you all know the details.

In every case where the inmate is considering release by reason of bail, cash or surety. The DOC is running these people and will not release them if they have a hold by probation or an outstanding warrant. DOC is running them only after they have posted the bond. These bonds fees and premiums are not returnable so the inmate or family members need to be sure there is no problem with these issues before considering posting bonds.

Also, if John Doe was arrested and he gave an alias of John Smith there is little hope that this person can be bailed out. If someone attempts to bond this person out under the alias it's considered fraud and will result in a serious dilemma for the inmate and the person posting the bond.

George Steimel gsteimel@bellsouth.net

Calcasieu Parish Public Defenders

Sylvia Welborn called this afternoon. Sylvia is asking all Calcasieu Parish Indigent Defender Office employees (attorneys, investigators, staff) to please contact her. Her numbers are:
  • 337-474-2905
  • Cell 337-884-2113

  • If you get a busy signal, keep trying.
    If you can’t get through to Sylvia, you are welcome to contact me at the numbers below, and I will get word through to Sylvia.

    Sylvia reports the following regarding the IDO offices and building:
  • No power
  • No water
  • One of the main entrances is imploded
  • The State Farm office on the 1st floor was blown out.

  • She believes there may be structural damage to the building.

    Word is that the earliest people will be able to (legally) return to Lake Charles is October 3, but while they were saying that earlier, they now seem to be saying “to be announced.”

    For payroll, if you will call Sylvia, she will get your paycheck mailed to you wherever you are.

    Sylvia is making arrangements to retrieve the server, computers, and payroll information from the offices. We are looking for temporary office space as near as possible to Lake Charles for your office to operate out of temporarily.

    Phyllis E. Mann
    Post Office Box 705
    Alexandria, LA 71309
    (318) 448-0000
    FAX (318) 448-2250
    e-mail: phyllis@kricket.net
    cell (318) 729-3868

    Hurricane Rita - displaced attorneys

    If you are or know the whereabouts of any criminal defense attorney/investigator/paralegal displaced by Rita, or currently not at their home, please send that information immediately to Phyllis E. Mann. phyllis@kricket.net In particular, we are looking for all criminal defense attorney (both private and public defense) from the following parishes:
  • Calcasieu
  • Cameron
  • Jefferson Davis
  • Vermilion
  • Iberia
  • St. Mary
  • St. Martin
  • Terrebonne

  • We need: cell phone number, e-mail address, current landline, current location, for all of these attorneys. If there are other parishes that were affected, please let me know. We will compile a list and distribute it daily, so that you can all get in touch with each other.

    As information becomes available we will also be sending/posting information about:
  • Where clients have been moved to
  • 72-hour hearings for current arrests
  • Status of your offices

  • Phyllis E. Mann
    Post Office Box 705
    Alexandria, LA 71309
    (318) 448-0000
    FAX (318) 448-2250
    e-mail: phyllis@kricket.net
    cell: (318) 729-3868

    Hurricane Rita - displaced attorneys

    If you are or know the whereabouts of any criminal defense attorney/investigator/paralegal displaced by Rita, or currently not at their home, please send that information immediately to Phyllis E. Mann. phyllis@kricket.net In particular, we are looking for all criminal defense attorney (both private and public defense) from the following parishes:
  • Calcasieu
  • Cameron
  • Jefferson Davis
  • Vermilion
  • Iberia
  • St. Mary
  • St. Martin
  • Terrebonne

  • We need: cell phone number, e-mail address, current landline, current location, for all of these attorneys. If there are other parishes that were affected, please let me know. We will compile a list and distribute it daily, so that you can all get in touch with each other.

    As information becomes available we will also be sending/posting information about:
  • Where clients have been moved to
  • 72-hour hearings for current arrests
  • Status of your offices

  • Phyllis E. Mann
    Post Office Box 705
    Alexandria, LA 71309
    (318) 448-0000
    FAX (318) 448-2250
    e-mail: phyllis@kricket.net
    cell: (318) 729-3868

    Monday, September 26, 2005

    Current Safe list as of 9-25-05

    Phyllis Mann provides the current "Safe List" as of 9-25-05
    Hurricane phone and location list

    Name: Current phone: Current location: Agency: Permanent Home/Office:

    Chris Aberle Safe LAP Mandeville
    John Adcock 225-284-6327 Baton Rouge LCAC (lawschool) Baton Rouge - LSU
    Larry Aisola Chalmette
    Meg Alverson 212-249-3129 Relocating to NYC Private office NO
    Anthony Angelette Gretna
    Eleni Antonopoulos 512-968-9998 cell Houston LCAC NO
    Gerard Archer Metairie
    Arcenious Arnond Gretna
    Ellen Badeaux ecbadeaux@aol.com Safe NO
    Ann Baehr
    Ruben Bailey Marrero
    Michael F. Barry NO
    Walter Becker NO
    Jane Beebe Safe LAP NO
    Clarke Beljean NO
    Albert Bensabat Hammond
    John Benz Gretna
    Numa Bertel Public Defender NO
    Scott Bickford NO
    Gary Bizal NO
    Kevin Boshea NO
    Richard Bourke 713-869-4722 Houston/GRACE LCAC NO
    832-260-6313 cell
    Charles Branton Slidell
    Melissa Brink Covington
    Troy Broussard broussardlawoffices@yahoo.com Safe Metairie
    Looking for space in Lafayette
    Derwyn Bunton California JJPL NO
    Raymond Burkart Law Student Gretna
    Zach Butterworth Bay St. Louis, MS
    Bill Campbell Atlanta w/ family Public Defender NO
    Erica Campbell 716-200-7879 Mobile, AL NO
    Ralph Capitelli NO
    David Carollo Slidell
    Melanie Carr 713-869-4722 Houston/GRACE Fighting Chance NO
    Eddie Castaing Private office NO
    Aneel Chablani 312-804-3287 Chicago CAP NO
    George Chaney Public Defender NO
    Christine Changho Bruneau NO
    Catherine Chavarri NO
    Susan Ciaravella Shreveport w/ family Jefferson Pub Def NO
    Dane Ciolino 888-364-3812 Shreveport w/ family Law Professor NO
    Shaun Clarke NO
    Gary Clements gclements@cpcpl.org Shreveport, LA CPCPL NO
    W. 318-222-3778; H. 318-757-2256 (cell 504-812-3428, for future)
    Ben Cohen 216-932-3804 Ohio CAP Ohio
    Archie Creech Safe Jefferson Public Def Gretna
    William Crull NO
    Kerry Cuccia 504-616-8608 Safe CDPSL NO
    Mark Cunningham NO
    Sal Cusimano
    Sam Dalton 504-737-2249 Safe NO
    June Darensburg Gretna
    Richard Davis 713-426-0490/0390 Houston/GRACE IPNO NO
    Linda Davis-Short Gretna
    Ava deMontagne 323-770-4488 cell Los Angeles til 9/20 IPNO NO
    Frank DeSalvo 504-258-1829 Safe NO
    Gerald DeSalvo Gretna
    Letty DiGiulio 225-343-1407 Baton Rouge, w/dad CAP NO
    or 225-383-7241
    Dennis Dolbear NO
    William Doyle Gretna
    Jeff Edwards 281-775-5692 cell Houston Fighting Chance NO
    Gary Eldredge Private Investigator NO
    Kevin Ellis Law Student NO
    Michael H. Ellis Metairie
    Lawrence Fabacher 318-335-2271 Oakdale Priv off - immigration NO
    Patrick Fanning Safe NO
    Marion Farmer Safe Private office Covington
    Office fine but home destroyed
    Lee Faulkner Monroe Jefferson Pub Def Gretna
    Mike Fawer Covington
    Calvin Fleming Gretna
    Paul Fleming paul.fleming@mindspring.com Atlanta Gretna
    Robert Fleming Covington
    S.D. Fleming NO
    Tim Fondren 985-902-8900 Safe/home, but no electricity Natalbany
    Katherine Franks LAP Slidell
    Pat Franz Metairie
    Robert Fuhrer Morgan City
    Meg Garvey 504-343-7175 cell CAP intern/law grad NO
    Barry Gerharz 504-994-6193 IPNO NO
    Charlotte Glass NO
    Robert Glass 302-475-7749 Wilmington, Del w/ fam Glass & Reed NO
    Glasreed@bellsouth.net R_glass@bellsouth.net
    504-259-2966 cell
    Tracy Glorioso Gretna
    Matthew Goetz Baton Rouge w/ family Jefferson Pub Def Gretna
    Rudy Gorrell NO
    Tilden Greenbaum 225-753-7384 Baton Rouge Orleans Public Def NO
    Ed Greenlee 318-869-3777 Shreveport LIDAB NO
    Egreenlee@lidab.com At Richard Goorley=s
    Katherine Guste Gretna
    Robert Habans Slidell
    Heather Hall NY w/ mom LJP NO
    Douglas Hammel Metairie
    Patrick Hand NO
    Mary “Constance” Hanes Safe LAP
    Phil Hantel Safe NO
    Pauline Hardin En route to BR from SCar NO
    Arthur Harris NO
    Maurice Hattier NO
    Susan Herrero NO
    Holli Herrle-Castille Safe LAP Marrero
    Joe Hingston 504-231-4585 Houston LCAC NO
    Jancy Hoeffel 847-498-5043 Chicago w/ family Law Professor NO
    Mary Howell (573) 448-3336 Safe in Missouri NO
    Michael Idoyaga Gretna
    Rachel Jones 713-869-1335/1329 Houston/GRACE LCAC NO
    347-528-5396 cell
    Frederick Kelly NO
    Kathy Kelly Natchez, MS w/ parents CPCPL NO
    Duncan Kemp Hammond
    Frederick King NO
    Arthur Kingsmill Gretna
    Carol Kolinchak 215-862-3709 Baton Rouge w/ Boren CPCPL NO
    Alex Lambert Gretna
    Charles Lane NO
    Frank Larre
    Denise Larson Gretna
    Herb Larson Austin, TX NO
    James Lawrence NO
    Michael LeBlanc 512-608-9890 Austin, TX NO
    Denny LeBoeuf Atlanta W/ family CPCPL NO
    John Lee, Jr. Gretna
    Christine Lehmann 713-869-4722 Houston/GRACE LCAC NO
    or 832-260-6454 cell
    Buddy Lemann 225-473-8312 Donaldsonville, LA Private office NO
    James Lemmon Gretna
    Steve Lemoine NO
    David Levitt 404-252-1711 Atlanta w/ family NO
    Steve London NO
    Jim Looney Lafayette, LAP Covington
    but hoping for home soon - no power
    Robert Magaletta Covington
    Joe Marino Jr. Dallas
    Joseph Marino III Jamarino3@aol.com back home in Gretna private office Gretna
    504-975-0505 cell
    504-362-0666 work
    Chip Marionneaux Okay per Audrey McCain Plaquemine
    Robert Marrero Gretna
    Jack Martzell jrm@mbfirm.com Houston, to BR in 1 wk Private office NO
    Emily Maw 601-969-5165 767 N. Congress St. IPNO NO
    504-339-3105 cell Jackson, MS 39202
    Richard McBride NO
    Audrey McCain home and office safe in Plaquemine, Plaquemine
    Todd McCormick Covington
    Patrick McGinity Metairie
    Daniel McKearan Gretna
    Richard McWilliams NO
    Tim Meche Timeche@bellsouth.net Relocating to NYC Private office NO
    Louis Merhige
    Clyde Merritt Public Defender NO
    Pamela Metzger 404-252-1711 Atlanta w/ family Law Professor NO
    Janice Montague-Myles Okay and office okay per Audrey McCain
    Joseph Montgomery Gretna
    Warren Montgomery Covington
    Pam Moran Safe LAP NO
    Mark Morgan Gretna
    Provino Mosca NO
    Julian Murray Metairie
    Shelia Myers NO
    Marquita Naquin Gretna
    Mark Nolting Gretna
    James O’Connor NO
    Raleigh Ohlmeyer 225-927-3015 8815 Pecan Tree Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70810 NO
    Marcia Oliver Memphis LIDAB NO
    Bobbie Osterman Legalpsych@aol.com Florida panhandle Law student NO
    David Park 713-869-1335/1329 Houston GRACE IPNO NO
    Laura Pavy Safe LAP NO
    Joseph Perez Gretna
    Keely Perrin 206-851-3021 Jackson,MS w/ RobMcDuff IPNO NO
    Jelpi Picou 321-779-3606 Houma CAP NO
    Melissa Pleasant IPNO NO
    Ursula Price 281-381-5819 cell Houston/GRACE Fighting Chance NO
    Bill Quigley duprestars@yahoo.com Safe w/ wife Law Professor NO
    Ronald Rakosky Safe - per Herb Larson NO
    John Wilson Reed Glass & Reed NO
    Bonnie Renou 504-274-8702 cell Houston/GRACE Fighting Chance NO
    Michael Riehlmann Gretna
    Bill Rittenberg 210-226-1463 til 9/15 then to Tucson Private office NO
    504-220-1960 cell
    Harry Rosenberg NO
    Michael Rubenstein Private office NO
    Linda Russo NO
    Donald Sauviac Safe/ w fam as of 9/2 Public Defender NO
    Thomas Schexnayder Gretna
    Virginia Schlueter Lafayette Fed Pub Def - ED La NO
    can reach through Rebecca Hudsmith
    Evans Schmidt
    Kyle Schonekas Public Defender NO
    Rick Schroeder Baton Rouge Private Office NO
    Robin Schulberg Covington/Baton Rouge Public Defender NO
    Samuel Scillitani Safe Jefferson Public Def Gretna
    Steve Shapiro 225-205-8226 W Baton Rouge Private office Baton Rouge
    225-383-2229 H
    Jonathan Shushan NO
    John Simmons Public Defender Covington
    Steve Singer 847-498-5043 Chicago w/ family Law Professor/LCAC NO
    Frank Sloan Safe LAP Mandeville
    Jeff Smith Safe - per Herb Larson Public Defender NO
    Majeeda Snead Law Professor NO
    Donald Soignet Metairie
    Michael Somoza Public Defender Gretna
    Billy Sothern 662-715-9485 cell Oxford, MS CAP NO
    Buddy Spell 985-264-0255 cell Franklinton Private office Franklinton
    Philip Stein NO
    Robert Stern NO
    Andrew Taormina Metairie
    Hilary Taylor Dallas Jefferson Public Def Gretna
    Rick Teissier 949-499-1944 Laguna Beach, Calif Private Office NO
    504-616-6915 for text messages
    Michael Thiel Hammond
    Robert Toale 770-416-1301 Norcross, GA w/ sister Gretna
    770-876-2859 cell
    Richard Tompson Public Defender Gretna
    Jacque Touzet Public Defender NO
    Nick Trenticosta 504-274-8974 Baton Rouge, at Boren=s capital post-conviction NO
    then on to Houston
    Lane Trippe NO
    Georgia Turgeau Slidell
    Alan Tusa Covington
    Maurice Tyler NO
    Lance Unglesby
    Dylan Utley 504-812-8490 cell Baton Rouge Orleans Public Def NO
    225-343-1407 dylan@johndigiulio.com
    David Utter Shreveport JJPL NO
    w/ Henry Walker
    Cesar Vazquez Gretna
    George Vedros Gretna
    Mark Vicknair NO
    Gary Wainwright 504-913-9252 cell Private office NO
    CgaryWainwright@aol.com messages: 985-345-8470
    Neal Walker 713-869-4722 Houston/GRACE LCAC NO
    504-427-5549 cell
    Caroline Wallace 337-583-7024 Sulphur, LA w/ family CPCPL NO
    Sherry Watters Safe NO
    Kim Watts 504-255-9830 Mobile w/ family LCAC/CAP NO
    Timon Webre Gretna
    Rich Westling 504-495-4119 Tennessee w/ family Private office NO
    Ralph Whalen NO
    Bruce Whittaker Safe in Opelousas LAP NO
    Laurie White Law@lauriewhite.com Baton Rouge Private office NO
    Marcy Widder 318-443-8931 Alexandria w/ Phyllis CAP NO
    504-231-5651 cell
    Frazilia Wiggins Gretna
    Shannon Wight 504-296-5368 IPNO? NO
    Bernard Williams Covington
    Jason Williams NO
    Lauren Williams NO
    Lindsey Williams Gretna
    Phillip Wittmann NO
    Eric Wright NO
    James Wright NO

    Governor Extends Order for Emergency Suspension of Prescription, Preemption and Other Legal Deadlines

    On September 23, 2005, Governor Blanco issued Executive Order NO. KBB 2005-48- which grants an extension of Executive Order NO. KBB 2005-32 for the emergency suspension of prescription, preemption and other legal deadlines. The text of the order is as follows:







    WHEREAS, Executive Order No. KBB 2005-32, issued on September 6, 2005, suspended all deadlines applicable to legal proceedings, including prescription and peremption, in all Louisiana state courts, administrative agencies and boards;

    WHEREAS, Executive Order No. KBB 2005-32 is in effect until September 25, 2005; and

    WHEREAS, the Louisiana State Bar Association, the Louisiana Trial Lawyers Association, and the Louisiana Association of Defense Counsel jointly requested that Executive Order No. 2005 - 32 be extended for an additional thirty (30) days;

    NOW THEREFORE I, KATHLEEN BABINEAUX BLANCO, Governor of the state of Louisiana, by virtue of the authority vested by the Constitution and laws of the state of Louisiana, do hereby order and direct as follows:

    SECTION 1: Section 1 of Executive Order No. KBB 2005-32, issued on September 6, 2005, is amended as follows:

    A. All deadlines in legal proceedings, including liberative prescriptive and peremptive periods in all courts, administrative agencies, and boards are hereby suspended until at least October 25, 2005, including, but not limited to, non-constitutionally mandated deadlines in criminal proceedings and any such deadlines set for in the following:
    1. Louisiana Civil Code;

    2. Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure;

    3. R.S. Title 9, Civil Code Ancillaries;

    4. La. R.S. Title 13, Courts and Judicial Procedure;

    5. La. R.S. Title 23, Chapter 10, Worker=s Compensation;

    6. La. R.S. Title 40, Chapter 5 Part XXI-A, Malpractice Liability for State Services; and

    7. La. R.S. Title 40, Chapter 5, Part XXIII, Medical Malpractice.

    B. The suspension of laws as provided in Subsection 1(A) of this Executive Order shall apply statewide and in all matters, except to the extent that the suspension of deadlines in legal proceedings may hereafter be shortened or lifted, in whole or in part, by an order issued by the Louisiana Supreme Court acting in accordance with the power vested pursuant to Article V of the Constitution.

    SECTION 2: This Order is effective upon signature and shall remain in effect until Tuesday, October 25, 2005, unless amended, modified, terminated, or rescinded by the governor, or terminated by operation of law prior to such time.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand officially and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of Louisiana, at the Capitol, in the city of Baton Rouge, on this 23rd day of September, 2005.

    /S/ Kathleen Babineaux Blanco




    /S/ Al Ater